How to make sure th...

How to make sure that my kid is not using drugs?  


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29/08/2019 2:14 pm  

First of all, I’d like to say that my son was a happy child while growing up. Sadly, it all changed two or three years ago. At first, he started being moody, but I just thought that it was a normal part of growing up and that he wasn’t much different than most boys his age.

The situation only got more and more difficult as time progressed. First of all, he stopped going to his basketball practices. Afterwards, his grades went down, but he assured me that he’s just going through a rough patch and that everything will be fine.

A couple of days ago, I even saw him hanging out with some suspicious-looking guys, who appeared to be at least 5 years older than he was. I even tried to confront him several times after that, be he always finds a way to avoid my direct questions and just leaves the room. It’s infuriating!

I need to find a way to help him before his father finds out, as he was always very harsh to our son. Is there a good way to approach him without sounding like an overbearing parent?

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08/01/2020 9:11 am  

Drugs and marijuana are two completely different things, don't get it twisted. I know a ton of successful people who have been using marijuana for decades, how about that? Just because your teenage kid is showing signs of being moody, it's hardly a reason to become paranoid. Seriously, do you think you listened to every word your parents said when you were your kid's age?

On the other hand, I would suggest investing more of your time into understanding your child before you throw judgement around. Don't get me wrong, he might be going through a strange phase, but that is where you need to act as a true parent and provide support when necessary.

Take this as you want, but I gave you my honest opinion here... I am not trying to say that you are a bad parent, but it seems to me that you have to accept that your kid is his own man and that you won't always have control over his life. The main job of a parent is to equip his child to cope with the struggles that come with this life, not to guide him across every difficult part of the journey.

Peace, Moly.

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06/03/2020 3:50 pm  

Keeping things under the blanket won't make them go away. If you are so afraid of your husband's reaction, you should ask yourself about the type of relationship you have. As far as I can tell, you first have a couple of things you need to care of in your own life before you can help someone else.

Either way, this is not a secret for you to keep, as the truth will eventually show up, whether you like it or not. Together with your husband, you will be able to think of the best solution for your problems.

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22/11/2022 9:40 am  

hello there. What can i do for you hehes thanks

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thanks for help 🙂
