How to stop my son ...

How to stop my son from gambling away all of our money!?  


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30/08/2019 9:53 am  

He is so preoccupied with these stupid games, it’s like he’s not even listening to me when I speak. The only thing he does is nod his head from time to time, while having this blank expression on his face.

Worst of all, I am a single mother, so I don’t have anyone by my side to help me deal with this stressful situation. Sometimes, I feel like I’m gonna explode from my misery!

Why is it so hard to just be like other normal kids? Am I the one to blame, because I didn’t pay enough attention to him while he was growing up? I had two jobs at the time, but I tried my best, honest to God…

Am I supposed to just drop everything I’m doing and hold my son’s hand until he gets better? Are there any guarantees that it would actually happen?

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30/08/2019 2:58 pm  

Sorry to say this, but perhaps you are also part of the problem. Judging from this, it appears that you are very judicious towards your son. Sure, his behavior is nothing to be proud of, but if he can’t lean on you for support, who else can he talk to?

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30/08/2019 3:00 pm  

Oh, I give him plenty of support alright, who are you to judge me? Hell, I’ve been working two jobs for the last 15 years, just that he could go to college and become a man one day, and this is how he’s paying me back…

Even now, I am still paying off his debts, but sure, call me a bad mother. I’m just scared and don’t know how to behave or what can I do to improve this situation. Not to mention that the debts just keep mounting up with each passing day…

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03/09/2019 1:16 pm  

I can understand why you took it so hard. It sounds like you gave it your all, but you have to understand that no one can be blamed when the addiction comes. In fact, this can only make the problem worse, as it’s undoubtable that your son is already feeling a lot of guilt for everything that he’s done.

Curing gambling addiction is by no means a simple task, but it can be done with a help of experts. However, make sure to do your research before making the final choice, as not all clinics are created equal.

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03/09/2019 1:28 pm  

My son had the same problem like yours, and I spent a lot of long nights, trying to find the solution to the addiction that consumed his life. While that lasted for the longest time, I was finally able to put a stop to it!

First of all, I took all of his pocket money, as my son was a student at a time. Additionally, I started paying close attention to people he’s hanging out with, made sure to track down his every step, and eventually forced him to find a new group of friends.

It might seem like a radical move from where you’re standing, but I had to act like a policeman in order to get things right! I’m not saying that treatments in clinics aren’t good, I just had to choose this route, as I simply didn’t have enough money to pay for it all. No matter your situation, you need to know that a better future is right there for the taking.

A lot of hard work needs to be put in place in order to get there, especially if you’re doing everything on your own, but what’s the alternative? Just let your child gamble away all of his future? Take matters into your own hands, no one else will do it for you!

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23/01/2020 2:31 pm  

Gambling is the dumbest form of vice either way. Do you people think you're going to win anything? Are you seriously so naive that you think they would let you out of their building as a winner? Would you do it, if you find yourself in their shoes?

Yes, these are all rhetorical questions that none of you can understand if you're stupid enough to even start gambling. I don't even know what was the thing that made me write these paragraphs for nothing. You people wouldn't know what to go with some good advice, even if it hit you upside the head.
