How gambling alters brain function


Gambling alters brain function in the same way as a consummation of opiates. It is a terrible and hard obsession like any other addiction caused by opiates.

Many people do not consider gambling as a dangerous addiction because it does not include the consummation of dangerous substances. As a matter a fact it is a delusion.

For most people, gambling is a recreational activity. The lottery, scratch cards, casino games, bingo, slot machines, Internet poker, or sports betting, everything seems like a game. The truth is different – gambling is a dangerous and addictive activity that may destroy lives.

Gambling alters brain function

The gambling causes the same effect in the brain as consummation of the . Researchers have found that gambling addicts have a lot in common with drug and alcohol addicts. It is most possible to notice when you compare changes in behavior and brain activity.

Gambling causes behavioral obsession which may be harder to heal than a physic addiction. This problem may impact a person’s interpersonal relationships, financial situation, physical and mental health.


Also, it is well known that gamblers very often develop an alcohol addiction alongside with gambling. Experts say that it goes one with another. If a person is gambling, he will drink an alcoholic drink and enjoy the “fun”. That is one addiction in a combination with another one. After all, depression is inevitable. Studies have shown that gambling alters the structure of the brain and makes people more prone to depression and anxiety.

How gambling alters brain functions

Gambling activates the brain’s reward system in much the same way that a drug does. The ventral striatum, located deep inside the brain, has been termed the brain’s reward center. It is been implicated in reward processing as well as substance abuse.

There was a study that was showing the brain actions when people with gambling disorder watched gambling videos or participated in simulated gambling. Scientists were able to see changes in blood flow in specific brain areas, indicating which areas are more active. The same effect had a cocaine addict when he was watching videos related to his addictions. Both groups showed diminished activation in the ventral striatum.

The other brain region that is often implicated in gambling and substance use disorders is the prefrontal cortex. This region is involved in decision-making, controlling impassivity, and cognitive control. Gamblers and drug addicts both showed less activation of the prefrontal cortex.


Some studies have shown that people with gambling disorders are more impulsive than other people. They may have difficulty controlling their impulses due to reduced activation of the prefrontal cortex.

Also, gamblers are addicted to the adrenaline that is accumulating while they are in the game. It is a common thing that they are losing money and continue o gamble because of the adrenaline rush. It is like a drug to them.

Is it necessary to heal gambling addiction?

Gambling addiction is very dangerous and it needed to be healed like any other addiction. It may impact not only the gambler’s life but also the life of his family. His dept is becoming higher and higher during a time, and one day he will have to pay for it.

The family has to have an understanding of an addict and help him to find the right path and stop gambling.


The best thing that they can do is to find the right clinic and start the healing process. It is necessary to find the best clinic for dealing with an addiction.

It is possible to stop using drugs, or alcohol, or to quit gambling. You just need to believe that is is possible and to find the right help.


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