What are some long-...

What are some long-term heroin effects?  


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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1
30/08/2019 9:24 am  

I’m currently addicted to heroin, frightened for my life, and desperately looking for a way out. My addiction was a direct result of one stupid mistake. The guy I was dating at the time convinced me to try heroin, to see what it feels like. Even though I was able to say no for over a month, I eventually succumbed to pressure, which was a turning point in my life.

Right now, six months have passed, and I find myself unable to put an end to these horrible cravings. Trust me, I tried! Every time, my legs just start shaking wildly, and the pain becomes unbearable. I’m fairly certain that I will die if I continue going down this road, but I also cannot find a different solution.

How long will I be able to continue with this life?

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Joined: 5 years ago
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24/02/2020 10:57 am  

You said you tried to quit, but did you do it on your own or did you sign up for treatment at one of the professional rehab centers? These places are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be, trust me, I'm speaking from personal experience.

It goes without saying that heroin is one of the most dangerous substances known to man. If online research didn't make you paranoid about the use of heroin, you're either lying to yourself or you're being blinded by the desperate desire to inject it into your veins.

Sorry to say this too, as I'm sure you know it by now, but it appears that your boyfriend is such an evil person and that you need to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Because this is a public forum, I won't publicly promote a clinic that helped me, but if you are interested, send me a message and I will let you know of all the details. Trust me, once you feel the help of other and allow them to guide you along the way, you will be able to stick with the gameplan and win this thing once and for all.
