My experience as a ...

My experience as a former heroin addict  


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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4
30/08/2019 8:58 am  

Let me be clear on one thing – I do not support any form of opioid substitution therapy. Replacing one type of narcotic with a different one only leaves you with a head full of problems. Guess what? When it comes down to it, if you can’t imagine life without methadone and similar substances, can you really call yourself free?

I have a bunch of friends who went down this road. While some of them did have moderate amounts of success with this type of therapy, others only substituted one type of addiction with a different one. Even worse, some even lost their life in the process. I’m not trying to scare you either. I’m just sharing my honest point of view.

Truth be told, going cold turkey is not the best idea either. When I was younger, I attempted it one or two times and the pain levels were absolutely insane. Not to mention the fact that I also tried going to rehab to a couple of terrible clinics, where they just give you a handful of drugs and let you get back out there to your old ways.

That is, until I finally found my luck in one Russian clinic, which I won’t be naming right now. In case you’re interested in finding out the details, just contact me and I’ll share my experience with you. Otherwise, others might claim that I’m trying to promote them, which is not my intention!

The point is that after trying their crazy methods, I’m now completely clean for the past 3 years! Heroin no longer interests me in the slightest! In fact, the very thought of consuming it ever again is making me sick to my stomach! It’s wild to think I used to believe that every hope of leading a healthier life was completely lost.

Now, one baby girl is the center of my world, I have a loving husband at home and I’ve made amends with everyone I’ve hurt along the way. There is always hope people! I know that it might seem like a fairytale from your current perspective, but I’ve been to hell and back, and I’ve come out on top! You can do it too, just take control over your life today!
