How to know if my h...

How to know if my husband is gambling?  


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30/08/2019 9:32 am  

I come from a well-respected family and I’ve never been in a situation where I had to face these problems. It might sound snobbish, but I always thought that addiction can happen to other people and that we were protected from it in our little world.

Unfortunately, only once the trouble comes to your doorstep you realize that the world doesn’t care about your ideals. Anyway, I digress.

The problems began one night in a friend’s home, with an innocent game of poker. At the time, I couldn’t even imagine the trouble it would stir up in the future. I should’ve seen it coming all along. My husband spent the entire night talking about how good of a time he had, it was as if he was sitting on needles.

During the next couple of days, I overheard some rumors that my husband lost a lot of money gambling in our local casino, but I didn’t believe it at the time. It just seemed too preposterous to be true. I knew that people are envious by nature and that they’ll sometimes do everything in their power to break others apart. Besides, why would my loving husband, who didn’t have a vice in the world, go down that road? It just didn’t make any sense.

Unfortunately, after a while, it became impossible to ignore the obvious. Debts kept mounting up and I finally collected courage to ask my husband what the hell was going on! That’s when he finally snapped and admitted that he spent the last three months in casinos every day after work, wasting our hard-earned money.

It took me a minute before I could get my senses together, as it felt like I was going to faint. Ultimately, there was no running from reality, something had to be done. Right now, we are trying to find the best rehab clinic where my husband could recover fully and once again become the person I fell in love with.

So, could you please give me some recommendations? Please, we are in desperate need of help!

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19/12/2019 8:19 am  

Stop listening to rumors and ask your husband directly whether he has a problem or not. Until you can collect the courage to act upon your impulses, you will get nowhere fast. Gambling is definitely a serious problem that demands attention, so don't wait another day! It can be the difference between a normal life and complete devastation.

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03/01/2020 3:58 pm  

He has done it all over again, he gambled away most of our savings! I feel like I can't breath, I am so upset! How could he do this with young children at home is beyond me. I'm scared that he will sell our house one day and leave us on the streets!

To make matters worse, divorce is not truly a possibility either, as I have no money saved, and I cannot go away because of my children. What am I supposed to do, tie him up against a chair or something!?

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18/02/2020 8:53 am  

Oh my, I can almost feel your pain through the keyboard. I get a sense that you are trapped in your own skin, without a hope of finding a way out. Still, despite the fact that your husband has developed a problem with gambling, it doesn't mean that your life is destined for suffering.

You don't have to leave your husband either and run away from your mutual problems, as that will not solve anything. in that case, your husband will be forced to face with his problems on his own. Because of the nature of the addictive disorders, it will be nearly impossible for him to find a way out on his own.

On the other hand, if you decide to stay with your husband and provide him with all the support you can, the two of you will be able to return to your happy family life. This transition will not be simple, and it will take a lot out of you, both emotionally and physically. You have to ask yourself whether you love your husband and care for your children enough to fully commit to this sacrifice.

If you have enough funds to invest in treatments at specialized rehab centers, I would advise you to do so. Members of the healthcare staff who have years of experience with treatments of this type of disorders, will know just what to do and what therapies to use in order to produce the best results.
