Crazy side effects ...

Crazy side effects of cocaine comedown!!  


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Posts: 1
29/08/2019 2:23 pm  

My pulse was so crazy during the last night’s comedown from cocaine, I thought that I was going to die! It usually isn’t that bad, but it was so terrible yesterday, I was even thinking about calling the ambulance.

Fortunately, my roommate was there the whole time, and he was able to calm me down just enough to where the symptoms subsided. I dread of what will happen the next time I take something, but I know that I won’t be able to resist for much longer. I should also mention that besides cocaine, I also enjoy marijuana and alcohol every now and again, as it helps me relax.

The night is coming soon, which is the usual time when I take a little something to calm down, but now I don’t know if I’ll dare to go down that road again. My roommate keeps telling me to slow down, but that’s not up to him, he doesn’t know what it’s like when the urge comes.

The question is, is there a safer alternative to stop the suffering, but not so dangerous to where it will cause my heart to explode?!

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Posts: 2
30/08/2019 9:37 am  

You already mentioned that you sometimes use alcohol and marijuana to relax, so have you tried doing that? Perhaps upping the pot intake can do wonders for your nerves? I know it always does the trick for me 🙂

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30/08/2019 9:41 am  

We can all be clean, you just have to try your hardest to succeed! I was dealing with the same issues like yourself, but once I met a certain special someone, it gave me the strength to continue with the fight. Now, we are three years married and we have a lovely girl at home who we love more than the world itself.

Do not listen to people like @mkhela258 , they will only bring you down! Addiction is a serious problem that cannot be solved through the use of even more narcotics, you’ll just push yourself towards even bigger problems! There are plenty of different programs and clinics that can help you find the solution to your problems. The sooner you take action, the quicker you’ll get better!
