The Relationship Be...

The Relationship Between Alcohol and Depression  


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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1
29/08/2019 2:00 pm  

Is there anyone else trying to cure depression by downing one drink after another? In the past year, I’ve fallen under this vicious cycle of rinse repeat, and I cannot find a way out.

What frustrates me even more is the fact that in the beginning, alcohol seemed to have a positive effect on my nerves, calming me down for short periods of time, but now, it brings nothing but trouble to my life.

Unfortunately, I’m no longer able to put a stop to my cravings, even if I know that tomorrow always brings nothing but regrets and pain to myself and to everyone around me. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to live life this way.

How to find a solution when I’m already feeling like all hope is lost?
